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我们的标杆 | Our Mission

我们的核心价值: 考究、遵行、教导、传扬上帝的道。

我们的使命:我们存在于此,为要帮助在我们身边及远处的人信靠耶稣基督、认识独一真神、享受神所赐荣耀而丰盛的永恒生命。 。

OUR VALUES: Study, practice, teach, and proclaim the Lord’s Word.

OUR MISSION STATEMENT: We exist so that the people around us, locally and globally, may know Jesus Christ, glorify GOD, and enjoy an ever-lasting and abundant life.

信仰告白 | Faith Statement

1. 我们相信父、子、圣灵,三一真神。

2. 我们相信耶稣基督,道成了肉身;为世人赎罪,被钉十字架,死后三日复活;坐在父神右边,作新约的中保。

3. 我们相信圣经,神的话。

4. 我们相信世人无法自救,罪使人与神隔绝。

5. 我们相信人得救,本乎神的恩典,因着人的信心;得以进入永生。

6. 我们相信教会,基督的身体;造就信徒,得着圣灵恩赐,成就神所托付的使命。

7. 我们相信基督设立的圣礼:洗礼和主餐。

8. 我们相信末世,主基督再来审判;信徒荣耀升入新天新地。

1. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

2. We believe that Jesus Christ was conceived by the HolySpirit, was born of the virgin Mary, and in Him perfect humanity and undiminished deity are united forever. We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, was raised from the dead three days later, ascended bodily into the presence of God in Heaven, and lives there now to intercede on our behalf.

3. We believe in the divine inspiration of the original writings of the Old and New Testaments, and we believe that they are of supreme and final authority for faith and life.

4. We believe that man was created by God and in God’s image. We believe that man sinned by disobeying God and thus incurred spiritual death, which is separation from God, and physical death. We believe that man is affected by this sin in such a way that no human being on his own has any merit before God.

5. We believe that the death and resurrection of JesusChrist took place so that man might be reconciled unto God. We believe that anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord receives right standing before God and eternal life. We believe that a true believer, once saved, will be kept in his salvation by the power of God forever.

6. We believe that the church consists of all Christians with Christ as the head. We believe that the purpose of the Church is to glorify God by drawing together, through world-wide proclamation of the Word ofGod, all who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and by building up each Christian so that he/she becomes progressively Christ-like. We believe that each Christian has at least one specific gift given by the Holy Spirit and one or more specific positions of service to God. Each gift and position is necessary for fulfilling the purpose of the Church. We believe that groups of local Christians should meet together regularly for worship, study, service and fellowship.

7. We believe that there are two ordinances: baptism by immersion following conversion, and the Lord’s supper.

8. We believe in the imminent and personal return of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the saved and the unsaved. We believe in the final judgment and the eternal reign of Jesus Christ.

联系我们 | Contact Us

  • 联系地址 | Mailing Address:
  • Syracuse Chinese Christian Church (SCCC)
  • 8020 E Genesee St, Fayetteville, NY 13066

  • 邮箱 | Email:

  • 电话 | Tel:
  • 315.632.6038
我们的标杆 | Our Mission

  • 耶稣基督是我们的主;因着信,我们蒙恩作天父的儿女。祂呼召我们互为肢体,建立合乎圣经教导、华语为本的教会;让我们敬拜祂,跟从祂,得着装备和丰盛的生命,并传扬祂的福音。

  • The purpose of the Syracuse Chinese Christian Church (SCCC) is to worship God through Lord Jesus Christ according to the teachings of His Word as revealed in the Bible, to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to all Chinese in our community and participate in global outreach, and to build up the body of Christ through caring, service, Bible study, prayer and fellowship in love and unity.